Golden Light

California Soil

As many of you guys know, back in the days I used to be a Los Angeles local. Indeed the first ever apartment I rented was in California and more specifically in Beverly Hills which was quite honestly an absolute dream come true as I grew up like many watching American teen flicks and rom coms. As many artists, I came to America pursuing my dreams and found so much solace and bewilderment in this highly contrasted city. I experienced the highest peaks of socialite living, adventure, crazy parties and lowest lows of absolute misery and solitude. It is quite a common thing to hear when people share about their time in L.A, there’s always somewhat of a bittersweet aftertaste about it. But still so good that we keep coming back for more. You see, the thing about L.A is that it’s a huge urban jungle surrounded by hills and nature. Unlike Paris, New York or London, Los Angeles is surrounded by lush nature and it is so easy to go on hikes or take a break by the beach. As much as you can be a “hustler” out here, a “ go getter” type of person, L.A is filled with people focused on their health, wellness and spirituality. The hippy culture is a big thing here with the Venice and Topanga influence. And you can really feel it when you come here. It’s not always the balanced or harmonious type of spirituality we’re talking about, sometimes it’s pretty much just out there. But you can truly also find actual pearls. Not only are there psychic medium shops every 2 blocks, but you can just sense the mystical atmosphere in the air. One of my personal favorites whenever I’m around is Erewhon, the well known boojee organic super market where you can find the fanciest organic goods, from probiotic sodas to crystal quartz infused ramen noodles, you name it.

So this year kicked off for me in the most surprising way possible as I landed in L.A early January for a project I had with one of the brands I work with. It has been so long ever since I’ve last been in L.A, the last time was for one of my music performances at Hotel Café a couple of years ago. This time I was here on my own and I had some free time before my project. It was so, so so bittersweet and yet honestly incredibly delicious to be back. I felt such an immense nostalgia, driving past all the places where I used to go, feeling like a local again. I went to get my matcha at my favorite usual spot, went to get my groceries and was prepping some favorite snacks in my hotel room feeling like I live here again. Such a profound joy filled my heart and I just knew that I would love California for the rest of my life. I believe that throughout our lifetime we get to discover places that drive an intrinsic connection with our souls, places that make us feel something very special at our very core, places that draw something unique out of us. L.A and Paris do this for me. It’s an unexplainable feeling. A feeling of being exactly where I’m supposed to be. I feel that way often in Switzerland too but yet again it’s somewhat different. California soil has it’s own texture, it’s own hue. And while I was there of course I had to play this very song by London Grammar throughout my entire trip as the very soundtrack of my days.

I was so happy to see some friends I haven’t seen in years. This whole stay felt absolutely magical and I truly realized that I have to come back more often. I’ve always said it, and no matter how cheesy it sounds (you guys know me, I love cheese) I truly believe I am a citizen of the world. Home is where our heart is first and foremost and yet we can grow so fond of certain places. I think L.A and Paris will always feel that way to me. No matter how much I love being back in Switzerland, back in the arms of nurturing mother Gaia, going to the forrest and getting lost in the fields, I know that traveling really does something so special to my spirit. It opens my heart, it soothes everything inside me and more and more I am able to retrieve that feeling in stillness too. It is such a blessing. This Earth is so marvelous with so many places to discover and so many adventures to be had and yet at the same time the wildest adventure we may have is the one happening inside of us right at this very second : with absolutely no need to go or be anywhere other that just fully present here and now.

With all of this being said, those of you following me on Instagram know what I am going to share… as I do have a very special announcement. It’s been two years in the making and I am finally honored a deeply excited to announce the launch of my new book “Through the Veils of Mystery” with my publisher Thought Catalog. This book is very big deal for me. Not only does it go in detail about my spiritual journey but it is also an initiation in and of itself, this text being channelled material. As the book titles explains it, the intention of this manuscript is to pierce the veils of illusions of this reality and to reveal ourselves, to ourselves, unveiling our hearts in the process. The first part of the text is my personal story as well as what happened to me late 2019 during my spiritual awakening. The rest of the text is an initiatory path through poetry as you will be walking through 7 activating gateways. This book has been healing me and transforming me in such profound ways, activating dormant aspects of my consciousness and assisting me on the path towards inner wholeness. The truth is we are already whole, yet there are veils that seem to be keeping us away from that reality. You can see my transformation simply by looking at my photos throughout the years on Instagram. In late 2019 I was drowning in darkness, sadness and melancholy. I was lost, confused. I had anxiety attacks and at times I felt like my heart would stop. After my spiritual awakening and when I started receiving the channelled material of this book, I started to feel clearer, to feel lighter. Answers were coming to me, teachers and guides were showing up. In divine humility I accepted the help, knowing my sensitivity is my power, knowing there is so much more to this life. I found the diamond at the center of my heart, the one that showed the infinite facets of my I Am Presence, the essence of who I am, of who we all are as pure crystalline energy manifesting, creating and experiencing. It is such a profound honor to share this book now with all of you. You can pre-order it by following this link.

Again I’d like to thank you for your support throughout the years, there is so much to come and I am so excited to share this new chapter with all of you. This book goes hand in hand with the music I have been writing as well. By discovering this book, you will get a glimpse at the music I will be releasing in due time. Trusting the blooming.

With my love.


Dress Self Portrait // Boots Lola Cruz

Photography by Lindsay Kindelon



Musée Rodin


Fairy Whispers