Musée Rodin

A Tale of Visual Poetry

I must say how much I appreciate taking my time when it comes to creation. I used to live in a state of quite literal frenzy when it comes to productivity, never able to truly relax, feeling guilty for needing time for rest, guilty for not documenting everything. I guess the activity of content creation comes with this mentality “if you don’t share it, people will think you’re up to nothing”, I used to think this way and now realize how detrimental it is. I used to think that in order to succeed I must be like a machine and produce content at my own detriment, health wise, energy wise, emotional balance wise. It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I manifested this reality. A reality where the amount of “success” I achieved equated to how much of my own free time, rest and energy I sacrificed. I now realize that I can write a new story where this isn’t the case. Where instead of working “harder” we can work “smarter”, optimizing our work flow to allow ourselves time for inspiration, relaxation, contemplation. All these things which we often deem as “luxuries”/”privileges”, commodifying the importance of rest as being unproductive and thus pointless is how we all collectively create an energetic economy. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many things I am here to do, but I won’t be able to do any of it by running on empty. And that’s what I learned throughout these last 10 years of my career. When I launched Kaza ☉ Bazan I did it with the intention of creating a digital haven of peace. Where content would be shared when genuine inspiration strikes. When divine timing is honored whatever that is. Where people could feel this energy when coming on this platform and get a permission slip to take a breather, to go lay down on grass and listen to the birds singing, to relax our nervous system. We live in a world where collectively we get to define and set the rules. Don’t hate the game when you can change it’s rules.

As some of you know, last October I moved back to Switzerland for a while in order to spend more time in nature, to finish my book and work on my music. Being back in Switzerland, where it all started for me felt so special and brought back so many memories. I felt like being back to the source and honoring the roots of everything I have blossomed and nurtured into existence. Sometimes the Universe “forces” us to revisit these place we’ve come from so that we may have the humility, the appreciation and the reverence for life and it’s many cycles, for it’s inherent processes, for the pace required for evolution to occur. We all want to rush through things, impatient like little kids. But the joy can also be found in slowness and the art of delectation. Being back in my hometown made me appreciate a more quiet life, a more simple daily routine. It also made me appreciate how incredible my life in Paris was, how thrilling and exciting each day in this miraculous city is. And the truth is… you’ll be the first one to read this : I know that I will return. I know it for an absolute fact. Being away from Paris made me realize my deep connection to this city, and how even when I am in the deep forrest by myself, Paris is always within me, in my heart. The truth is, as much as I am a fairy nymph who loves to run around barefoot and bathe in rivers, I am also a city girl who loves her coffee dates and her museums. I understand that I am both and love that. I believe that this is also what I am here to bring into the fashion and music industry, this eclectic outlook on life, that you can be and do so many things. That life is too short to put ourselves into cages, that yes we can change our minds, that yes it’s worth it to try, that you should go ahead and adventure.

So to honor these words I’d like to share with you today photos that my dear friend Pauline Darley and I shot at one of my favorite museums in Paris, the Musée Rodin. Rodin was one of those visionary sculptors who was able to tune into the structure of the marble and see the silhouettes hiding within it. The stone was speaking to him guiding him in revealing it’s shape. Rodin’s work can be summarized in one word : Eros. The Eros of life, the Eros of form, the Eros of Art. Eros being this fundamental love, the sensuality that can be witnessed all around. To be around his work always awakens something very special in my heart, one of my favorite pieces being “Le Baiser”. Indeed to me, experiencing his sculptures feels like a tale of visual poetry, where the stone, shaped with such detail, reveals the primordial force of passion itself, the power of touch immortalized by the hands of the artist, carved by the willingness to make others feel this same sensation. The sensation of fascination for voluptuousness as the marble seems as soft as a dove. If you are ever in Paris, make sure to visit this stunning place, you won’t regret it I promise. If you come on a quiet afternoon you might even be able to see some artists sitting around and sketching some of the sculptures.

On another note, I do have a very exciting announcement to make. Those of you who follow me on Instagram already know it. Tomorrow, May 5th 2023 my book “Through The Veils of Mystery” will officially launch! This book has been in pre-order for several weeks now and will of course be shipped in priority to those who have pre-ordered a copy. Tomorrow these copies will be finally shipped out and you will get to experience this very special, sacred text. My prayer is that this text re-awakens your memories like it did for me, reconnecting me to the truth of who we really are and our inherent power and divinity. I also believe that you will meet me through this book in a completely new way and understand everything I have went through in these last 3 years and why so much transformation has occurred. I have traversed the abyss to meet my deepest and highest light, I have died and been reborn so many times through dark nights of the soul like the phoenix, transforming itself through it’s ashes. And I am here, as a humble messenger to share the story of mystery itself, lifting the veils, peeking beyond darkness and meeting ourselves anew. This book isn’t about me. It’s about you. It’s about us, all of us and our collective oneness, union and communion within the grand cosmos and all that is. I know with absolute definite certainty that this book will find those who are ready for it. Those ready to take the next step in their spiritual self-revelation as the whole process is one of knowing thyself and meeting yourself in all of your facets. What’s absolutely fascinating to me, is that my publisher and I have agreed on the 5th of May for the launch date a long time ago and I sure had no idea that on the 5th of May would occur the most powerful Scorpio full moon of the year. As a scorpio myself, I was in awe when I found out about this. Life really knows what it’s doing and these things are surely no mere coincidence. This book will be shared with the world on a Scorpio Full Moon and this book is filled with this energy : the energy of the Scorpio capable of descending in to the deepest darkness to then rise into the highest light, plenty, whole and in divine integrity.

With all my love,

Kristina Bazan

Link to purchase “Through The Veils of Mystery”

Photography by Pauline Darley



Golden Light