The Best Vegan Pancakes
I believe in an easy, simple and effortless cooking style and lately as I have been spending more time at home, trying out new delicious recipes. It has been such an absolute delight and bliss and is bringing me so much happiness. I’ve literally spent so much time eating out constantly that I almost forgot how incredibly joyous it is to cook : it feels like magic and in fact it really is. Not only do we cook with ingredients that we get to meticulously select but we also cook with emotions, putting love, nurturing and specific intention in the food. As I’ve been sharing a bit on my social media, my body and spirit have really been asking me to spend some time at home in sacred aloneness. It feels like I’ve been in that stage in my life for a little while now and I kept asking myself why is it so as another part of me craves community and gathering. It feels like some of us are being guided towards that and others need to find a balance in togetherness and aloneness. I am sure that I need aloneness to integrate the many rebirths I’ve experienced in the last couple of years and silence feels really sacred and important. For now I just allow myself to dance with the waves of life.
Here I’d like to share with you a super easy pancakes recipe which I’ve been adoring. It’s so simple, so easy and quick and especially… so delicious. No need for eggs, no need for anything too complicated, just your love and some bananas!!! I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. Little note : when I cook, I very rarely check measurements. For me cooking is very instinctive and manual. So please go with your intuition and adapt it to your liking!
Pancakes :
2 Bananas
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
1 Tbsp Coconut Milk
1/2 Cup Chestnut Flour + 1/2 Cup Gluten Free Flour
2 Tbsp Agave Syrup or Coconut Sugar
1 Tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Tsp Cinnamon
Raspberry Jelly :
Fresh raspberries
1 Tsp Agar Agar
1 Tbsp Agave Syrup or Coconut Sugar
1 Tbsp Vanilla extract
Smash the bananas and add in the coconut milk, coconut oil and agave syrup (or coconut sugar), combine everything together until the texture is as smooth as possible. Then add in the flour as well as baking powder and cinnamon. Oil your pan with a bit of coconut oil and cook palm sized pancakes until golden on both sides.
For the jelly, smash the raspberries and add in your agave syrup or coconut sugar as well as vanilla extract. Then bring it to a boil for a couple of minutes, once the mixture is boiling add in the agar agar while continually swirling the jelly. After 5 minutes you can remove the jelly from the stove and let it cool down before serving.
Serve with :
Coconut Yogurt and Peanut Butter for the most exquisite taste. I also like to top it with rosemary!
Bon Appétit!